Meet Jarred: Wildlife Biologist in the Making

My name is Jarred McPherson. I am currently a senior at Michigan State University, working on graduating with a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science and Management. I am thankful and eager for the opportunity to join the team as a land stewardship technician. This not only allows me to gain valuable experience in land management, but enables me to work in the same forests I grew up in.

Being your typical Michigan outdoorsman, I have been heavily steeped in Michigan’s beautiful and complex ecosystems. Through hiking, hunting, camping, and developing conservation projects, I learned to appreciate the impact individuals can have with the right guidance and motivation. I plan to use the knowledge and skills gained throughout this experience to develop my career as a wildlife biologist.

A young Jarred seems to have found some wild mushrooms

When I think about what drove me towards the environment, I find it harder to remember a time where I wasn’t outdoors. Because of this, I can’t really think of a specific moment where I realized I wanted to pursue a career in land management. As far back as I can remember, I have always spent time in the outdoors. Whether my sister was dragging me outside to explore the woods in my back yard, camping with my family and scout troop, or learning how to appreciate and respect nature as a young hunter, I was perpetually outdoors. Unsurprisingly, these experiences had a major impact on how I viewed the environment.

Likewise, the major proponent in fostering my understanding of the role I play in the environment came from the Boy Scouts of America. From service projects taking care of hiking trails to camping all over the mid-west and even my Eagle Scout project, which was centered around brown bat conservation, I couldn’t get enough. With each merit badge and rank advancement, I was drawn like a magnet towards furthering my appreciation and understanding of the world that around me.

I found my curiosity gaining momentum like a snowball growing as it rolls down a hill, so I took classes in Environmental Science at Oakland Community College. There, I was enthralled by the passion and excitement from my professor met nowhere else in my studies. This bottomless well of enthusiasm shared by my teachers gave me the courage to enroll at Michigan State University, where I would refine my knowledge and direction of passion as each professor left their own meaningful mark on me. Without fail, my attraction towards the natural systems only strengthened.

Jarred summiting with his dad at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico (Hurry up, a storm is approaching!)

This summer, I have found myself working with Oakland Township’s knowledgeable and passionate Parks and Recreation team. So far, the incredible variety of projects has provided me with invaluable experience in land stewardship, fostering community relationships, absorbing the wisdom of our volunteers, and especially learning from my fellow stewards. Overall, I am very excited and grateful for the opportunity to fill my role in the environment I was fortunate enough to grow up in.